Picture for Quesnel, BC

Local Businesses in Quesnel, BC

The Quesnel Economic Development Department in British Columbia focuses on efforts that assist company retention and expansion, resident, visitor, and business attraction, workforce development and attraction, and occasional sector-specific programs.

Quesnel is a thriving city that offers an affordable place to live, an advantageous location for doing business, and a welcoming community to be a part of. You'd be correct if you thought of Quesnel as a forestry city. Yes, the forest industry is a key employment. But education, healthcare, agriculture, mining, and tourism all play vital roles in diversifying the local economy of Quesnel city.

Quesnel is a good spot to start a business. In addition to being positioned along important trade routes, the city boasts a high-speed telecommunications infrastructure and great business resources that can aid you in moving your business and finding your competitive edge to link you to your clients finally.

Local Businesses in Quesnel
Local Businesses in Quesnel (download as PDF)

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